Embed in WordPress
It would be great to be able to embed the PB Vision videos into a WordPress post, in the same way that you can embed a YouTube video in a WordPress post. I’ve tried embedded a PB Vision video URL in WordPress, via the WordPress embed block and the WordPress video block, and both attempts failed. On a related note, if the PB Vision videos could be pushed to a subscriber’s YouTube channel then that would make them available for embedding in WordPress.
George Murphy 22 days ago
Embed in WordPress
It would be great to be able to embed the PB Vision videos into a WordPress post, in the same way that you can embed a YouTube video in a WordPress post. I’ve tried embedded a PB Vision video URL in WordPress, via the WordPress embed block and the WordPress video block, and both attempts failed. On a related note, if the PB Vision videos could be pushed to a subscriber’s YouTube channel then that would make them available for embedding in WordPress.
George Murphy 22 days ago
Is it possible to isolate and email a player's data? Ideally, I would like to view the video but only send a player their personalized data and omit the other player's data.
Pd3 About 1 month ago
Is it possible to isolate and email a player's data? Ideally, I would like to view the video but only send a player their personalized data and omit the other player's data.
Pd3 About 1 month ago
Color-coding ball trajectory in Shot Explorer
As of today the ball overlay in Video/Shot is always green. While I was watching the videos from ThatPickleballSchool, the good shot has a green trajectory and the not-so-good shot has a red trajectory. The suggestion is to color-code the ball trajectory for easier review and analysis.
Chao Zhang About 2 months ago
Color-coding ball trajectory in Shot Explorer
As of today the ball overlay in Video/Shot is always green. While I was watching the videos from ThatPickleballSchool, the good shot has a green trajectory and the not-so-good shot has a red trajectory. The suggestion is to color-code the ball trajectory for easier review and analysis.
Chao Zhang About 2 months ago
Shot explorer for left-handed players
In the shot explorer, when filtering by “forehand” shot for left-handed players. >=75% the shots are actually left-handed player’s backhand. I am wondering whether left-hand vs right-hand is modeled in the current analysis.
Chao Zhang About 2 months ago
Shot explorer for left-handed players
In the shot explorer, when filtering by “forehand” shot for left-handed players. >=75% the shots are actually left-handed player’s backhand. I am wondering whether left-hand vs right-hand is modeled in the current analysis.
Chao Zhang About 2 months ago
Month to Month Subscription Option
Loved this product. It would be nice to have a month-to-month subscription option.
Michelle Cuff 3 months ago
Month to Month Subscription Option
Loved this product. It would be nice to have a month-to-month subscription option.
Michelle Cuff 3 months ago
Local AI model
It would be awesome if the AI model can run locally, so it saves the time to upload video, saves money for hosting the service, and is more privacy friendly.
ryansun96 3 months ago
Local AI model
It would be awesome if the AI model can run locally, so it saves the time to upload video, saves money for hosting the service, and is more privacy friendly.
ryansun96 3 months ago
Auto-segment multiple games recorded
App could automatically turn 2 hours of video into 8 individual game recordings. Would save the user from having to start and stop (can we skip the framing helper screen please)? If there are concerns about loss of data from having a long recording, this could be user initiated in the web app instead.
graydor 5 months ago
Auto-segment multiple games recorded
App could automatically turn 2 hours of video into 8 individual game recordings. Would save the user from having to start and stop (can we skip the framing helper screen please)? If there are concerns about loss of data from having a long recording, this could be user initiated in the web app instead.
graydor 5 months ago
Garmin/apple watch Tracking Integration
Would love to see garmin and apple watch activity integration where you can see trends in heart rate, exertions, and other data provided while reviewing. Insights hoped to gain: see when you need to slow down and breath/lower heart rate during a match. Especially after an intense rally or high effort play.
PTT 5 months ago
Garmin/apple watch Tracking Integration
Would love to see garmin and apple watch activity integration where you can see trends in heart rate, exertions, and other data provided while reviewing. Insights hoped to gain: see when you need to slow down and breath/lower heart rate during a match. Especially after an intense rally or high effort play.
PTT 5 months ago
Download & share videos with dead time removed
Bring back Just the Rallies! Also, allow rallies to be downloaded as individual MP4s, as opposed to the only option being a single stitched together cut.
PB Vision Team 5 months ago
Download & share videos with dead time removed
Bring back Just the Rallies! Also, allow rallies to be downloaded as individual MP4s, as opposed to the only option being a single stitched together cut.
PB Vision Team 5 months ago
Dink Stats, and tracking further than 5th shot
Would be nice for Dinking Stats, and if I could track further than the 5th shot. I LOVE THIS APP. Keep it up!
Justin Bergman 5 months ago
Dink Stats, and tracking further than 5th shot
Would be nice for Dinking Stats, and if I could track further than the 5th shot. I LOVE THIS APP. Keep it up!
Justin Bergman 5 months ago
On Balance Shot Indicator (track split step timing)
Create a stability metric for whenever a player hits a shot to see how "on balance" they are. Track split step timing in reference to the ball location.
PB Vision Team 5 months ago
On Balance Shot Indicator (track split step timing)
Create a stability metric for whenever a player hits a shot to see how "on balance" they are. Track split step timing in reference to the ball location.
PB Vision Team 5 months ago
Player Skill Assessment + Player Rating (DUPR alternative)
Develop a comprehensive skill assessment and rating system that includes a player impact score for each game and a global PBV Player Rating.
PB Vision Team 5 months ago
Player Skill Assessment + Player Rating (DUPR alternative)
Develop a comprehensive skill assessment and rating system that includes a player impact score for each game and a global PBV Player Rating.
PB Vision Team 5 months ago
Be able to chart out the following:
FH drop % (of total 3rds) BH drop % FH drive % BH drive % Against kitchen arrival % when hitting those types of 3rds. It would allow us to see for example that maybe the FH drop % is 60% but successful arrivals at the kitchen after that type of third is only 20%. Maybe my FH drive % is only 15% but I successfully got to the kitchen 100% of those shots so I should maybe increase my drive % and see if I get to the kitchen more often. These are the types of trends and insights that could immediately make an impact on shot selection or understanding what is or isn't working
NYC Pickleball 5 months ago
Be able to chart out the following:
FH drop % (of total 3rds) BH drop % FH drive % BH drive % Against kitchen arrival % when hitting those types of 3rds. It would allow us to see for example that maybe the FH drop % is 60% but successful arrivals at the kitchen after that type of third is only 20%. Maybe my FH drive % is only 15% but I successfully got to the kitchen 100% of those shots so I should maybe increase my drive % and see if I get to the kitchen more often. These are the types of trends and insights that could immediately make an impact on shot selection or understanding what is or isn't working
NYC Pickleball 5 months ago
Addition Augment video selections
Allow for the video to be removed and see only the augments. I don’t see this as an option anymore. As an addition allow viewing only certain players and black out everything else. Reason: Some players don’t want their image uploaded to social media.
Anwar 5 months ago
Addition Augment video selections
Allow for the video to be removed and see only the augments. I don’t see this as an option anymore. As an addition allow viewing only certain players and black out everything else. Reason: Some players don’t want their image uploaded to social media.
Anwar 5 months ago